Friday 29 November 2013

Occupy London General Assembly on the Housing Crisis Thursday November 28, 2013 at Mike Freer MPs Tory HQ Barnet 212 Ballards Lane East Finchley. (Margaret Thatchers old office)

Occupy London General Assembly on the Housing Crisis 
Thursday  November 28, 2013 at Mike Freer  MPs Tory HQ Barnet 212 Ballards Lane East Finchley.
(Margaret Thatchers old office)

National Call Out to Occupy your MP

If you're affected by the Cuts, high rents, benefit caps, the anti-squatting law,the bedroom tax,or workfare slave labour.
Find your local MP and occupy outside their office.

 The General Assembly calls for: 

1) The repeal of section 144 the law that criminalises sheltering in empty buildings (squatting) and the repeal of the LASPO Act.which has removed our rights to Legal Aid. petition to repeal sec.144

2) The 1.5 million empty buildings in the UK to be used for homes, community centres and to create employment.

3) a National Housing debate on the housing crisis in the media and online.

4) That no  one freeze to death in the winter when there are so many empty buildings. 31,000 people died this year from fuel poverty homed and homeless.
The big six companies energy profits are up 500% in three years to 1 .2 billion.
We call for the renationalisation of the energy companies.

5) Housing is a fundamental human right and property rights should not trump those rights.

6) Solutions to the housing crisis  need to be put into action, all cooperating to make this happen.

To be sent to all MPs, press lists and social media.

Keep networking

Keep networking

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