Tuesday 7 January 2014

Phoenix Spoken blogs 2014 the year the storms came .....as we enter the storm where the future is born ....

2014 Phoenix Spoken blogs

2014 the year the storms came .....as we enter the storm where the future is born ....to transform  out of the pollution to find the solution.

250,000 people without electricity after tornadoes in the Detroit area.
Across Britain 2013 into 2014 people are dealing with many areas of flooding and loss of electricity.
Across the world, every day ,we hear of communities disrupted by the elements.
Storms and tornadoes,floods,winds,hurricanes and earthquakes. 
Shaking quaking,rearranging our planet and people.
Our Earth is affected by the Suns activity.Solar flares cross vast distances of space.
Our solar system in a constant state of flux, change,Evolution ..spiral arms extend ...
.....into the galactic storm where the future is born.

2014 begins with the boom of birth pains,
of a future were we must become more sustainable and embraces whole new ways of thinking and being , the evolution is upon us. 
For us and future generations its time to change fast, accelerate the quickening towards a more sane,sustainable, peaceful and harmonious culture that shares  resources for the good of all.and nurtures the planet that we call home.
Co-operation the new meme
From problem to Solution the new theme.
Time to dream the dream and earth it into reality.
A Sustainable future for all to share.

Solutions get networking.........

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